

Pleyze Performance is an academy based in Cambridge, Ontario Canada, focused on athletics and academics. I worked with Pleyze Performance to develop a unique logo that would evoke a sense of health, movement, and skills.


The project's goal was to create a unique logo that would stand out from the rest of their competition while clearly illustrating their focus on sports and academics.


The project was completed within 3 weeks, encompassing initial discussions, the design phase, collaboration with the Pleyze Performance team, and a complete presentation of the final logo concept.


The project posed distinctive challenges, particularly in harmonizing the contrasting qualities of "sympathetic" and "parasympathetic." The client aimed for a logo that embodies both boldness and softness, referencing specific examples from other logos for inspiration.


Discussion and Ideation:

We initiated the project with in-depth discussions to align with their goals and vision. Collaborating closely with the client, I crafted and presented various mood-boards of logos and websites, before starting on the Sketches and Digital Work phase.

Sketches and Digital Work:

Moving on to sketching and digital design, I transformed ideas into preliminary sketches, then refined the design digitally. Throughout this phase, I focused on creating an icon mark centred around the letter “P”. Using movement and flow as my inspiration, I was able to finalize a concept that could also work in a wordmark.

Mock-ups and Presentation:

In the final stage, I created realistic mock-ups to visualize the logo on various assets that the clients would be interacting with, for example business cards, soccer kits, and more. As you’ll see below, I presented each logo with a visual breakdown of how I created each mark.

Logo Options





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